
Accreditation is a daunting but necessary challenge. Foliotek equips you with the right technology and essential consulting services to achieve program and student success.


Foliotek provides relief with simple, streamlined processes that reduce workload at the individual and organizational level. We provide a single system for collecting, organizing and reporting documentation to accrediting bodies.

Strategic Data

The right information guides your decision-making and demonstrates progress. Foliotek's reporting capabilities provide evidence that validate the quality of your educational program.

Simple Software

Foliotek offers an alternative to cumbersome and needlessly complicated "bloatware". Everything we do flows from our commitment to simplicity. From software technology to client support services, our simple approach is the key to a successful, less-stressful accreditation effort.


Data quality depends on faculty and student engagement in the assessment process. Foliotek strengthens participation by giving users a portfolio system that is valuable for their own professional development and job placement efforts.


We provide more than a technology solution, working as an extension of your staff to optimize the accreditation effort. We are educators, too, who share your commitment to student achievement.


Foliotek believes in collaboration with educators, educational institutions and industry vendors who are leading the way to improved student learning.

Get In Touch

Foliotek equips you with the right technology and services to achieve your educational goals. Our mission is your success. Contact us today to speak with one of our educational consultants.


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Register for Foliotek

Foliotek For School

Select this option if:

  • Your school requires Foliotek.
  • You bought a Foliotek packet at your school's bookstore.
  • You received a Foliotek registration code in an email or a handout in class.

Foliotek For Me

Select this option if:

  • You want to create a portfolio to help you get a job.
  • You want to use Foliotek to store and/or show- case your personal work and achievements to friends, family, peers, etc.

DO NOT select this option if:

You are required to use Foliotek for your school or class. If you do, you will not be able to submit your work to your school correctly.